Special Issue on War and Conflict in Autobiographical and Documentary Narratives
This special issue was co-edited by Dragoș Manea and Mihaela Precup. Their work on this issue was supported by grant PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0697, no. 38/2018, Witnessing Destruction: Remembering War and Conflict in American Auto/biographical and Documentary Narratives, offered by UEFISCDI.
Robert Blaskiewicz. A Conspicuous Absence: Combat Veterans and America’s Memory of WWII
Ștefan Ionescu Ambrosie. Witnessing and Empty Empathy: A Comparison between Joe Sacco’s Palestine and Jérôme Ruillier’s The Strange”
Atalie Gerhard. Commemorating Compassion, Countering Containment: The Female Wars on Terror Witnesses of Helen Benedict’s and Lynsey Addario’s Transcultural Narratives
Cristina Călinescu. Graphic Representations of the Holocaust, between the 1.5 and the 2nd Generation: On Helga Weissova’s Helga’s Diary and Art Spiegelman’s Maus: A Survivor’s Tale
Dana Mihăilescu. A Review of The Implicated Subject. Beyond Victims and Perpetrators, by Michael Rothberg